Leonardo DiCaprio Goes Deep-Sea Diving To Raise Awareness About Our Coral Reefs

Leonardo DiCaprio has been exploring the seabed with National Geographic to see the rapid destruction of coral reefs.

Leonardo DiCaprio Goes Deep-Sea Diving To Raise Awareness About Our Coral Reefs
Leonardo DiCaprio Goes Deep-Sea Diving To Raise Awareness About Our Coral Reefs

With biologist Jeremy Jackson, actor Leonardo DiCaprio decided to explore the seabed in a National Geographic video to raise awareness about the destruction of coral reefs.

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Disappearing coral reefs

During the last 30 years, 50% of coral reefs have disappeared, despite the oceans that manage to absorb one-third of the carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere. This is still too little compared to the speed at which our CO2 emissions are spreading.

By destroying our ecosystems, life forms are at risk of disappearing. The same goes for our forests as our trees absorb the same carbon dioxide but we are cutting them down.

This video should awaken some consciences, and open our eyes to the fact that our way of life is destroying our world little by little.

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