Pope Francis: Does the leader of the catholic church earn a salary?

Amid the secrecy surrounding the Vatican's wealth, one question stands out: Does Pope Francis receive a salary for his role?

Pope Francis how much earn every year salary money Vatican
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Pope Francis how much earn every year salary money Vatican

There is always much mystery and intrigue when it comes to the catholic church, their organisation, and most specifically their finances. The current leader of the Vatican is Pope Francis and he has been leading since 2013, when Pope Benedict XVI stepped down from his position.

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The Pope is the head of one of the largest organisations in the world, and hence makes a huge impact in the world and the lives of devout followers of the religion. But does he get paid for his responsibilities? Let's find out.

The finances of the Vatican are often criticised

When it comes to the catholic church and the Vatican, there's a lot thats kept private from the public—especially when it comes to their finances and businesses. In fact, the church has often been criticised for not being transparent enough.

While there is no doubt that the world's smallest state has a substantial fortune, also in the form of real estate. As per Investopedia, they also get their revenue through donations, private enterprises, investments, museum admissions, and sales of coins, stamps, and publications. In recent years, their general wealth is said to have continuously shrunk and the pandemic certainly did not help.

As per German media Süddeutsche Zeitung, in 2021 this led to Pope Francis ordering a cut of up to ten per cent in the salaries of all Vatican employees. Several thousands of people work for the Vatican, and according to reports personnel costs are said to amount to around 400 million euros annually.

Does the pope receive a salary?

Since then, the question has arisen more frequently: what about the pope's finances? Was his salary also cut – and how much does one earn as pope? After all, Pope Francis once rejected a Lamborghini offered to him as a gift.

For a long time, there was little disclosure, with the best answer being that the pope 'maintains a minimalist lifestyle'. However, it is now known that as pope, there is no fixed salary – in contrast to cardinals and bishops, who receive a monthly salary. Instead, the pope is 'financed by the Vatican State', as reported by the Südwest Presse, among others. This means that living and travel expenses are covered directly by the Vatican. However, the exact amount of these costs is unknown.

According to Ucatholic, on the rare occasion that a pope decides to retire they may receive a monthly stipend. Such is the case of Pope Benedict XVI who reportedly received 2500 euros (£2070) every month. The catholic media also states that upon the death of a pope, they receive an 'honorary payment of three bags of gold, silver, and copper coins.'

This article has been translated from Oh!MyMag DE.

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Sources used:

Südwest Presse: Gehalt als Papst: Wie viel verdient das Oberhaupt der römisch-katholischen Kirche?

Religion.Orf: Vatikan-Vermögen: Verwaltung legt Bilanz vor

FAZ: Papst in Geldnot: Die Finanzkrise des Vatikans verschärft sich

Süddeutsche Zeitung: Kirchenstaat: Plötzlich in der Realität

UCatholic: How Much Is the Pope Paid for Being the Pope?

Investopedia: The Secret Finances of the Vatican Economy

The Pope: Salary, pension, this is how much the head of the Catholic church earns The Pope: Salary, pension, this is how much the head of the Catholic church earns