The Queen’s handbag always matches her outfits but it is more than a fashion accessory. Indeed the Queen sometimes communicates with her handbag.
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If she is ever bored, she simply switches which hand she holds her handbag with and staff know that means Her Majesty wants to leave. Her staff will quickly come to her and whisk her away from the conversation with no excuse. But there are numerous things in her handbag that she never leaves without.
The usual items found in her handbag
Most women carry handbags as they often don’t have pockets to hold their belongings. The Queen is no exception and she often carries the same things as most people. Indeed the Queen always has a fountain pen in her handbag as well as lipstick, glasses and tissues. The Queen never leaves without a packet of lozenges.
These are all things anyone in the world would carry on themselves. So once again this shows that the Queen is a person like any other, with a few exceptions of course.
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The unusual items found in her handbag
Despite carrying ‘common’ things in her handbag, the Queen also carries certain items that are unique to her.
When her grandchildren were young, they would often gift the Queen little trinkets for her to treasure. These trinkets would often be miniature animals, as everyone knows the Queen adores animals.
According to The Independent, the Queen has a number of miniature horses, saddles and brass horsewhips. The Queen also always carries a little collection of family photographs as well as a makeup case that was gifted to her by her late husband, Prince Philip.
According to royal biographer Sally Bedell Smith, the Queen carries something very practical in her handbag. She claims that the Queen always carries a portable hook that she uses to hang her handbag so it doesn’t sit on the floor.
It is also said that the Queen carries a £5 note that she donates to her church collection every Sunday, it is sometimes £10.