Strictly Come Dancing is a British television staple, having first aired in May of 2004. The show is a televised dance contest in which celebrities partner up with various professional dancers on the show and each pair is marked out of 10 by a panel of judge.
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This year, BBC One will air the 17th series of the show and with it all kicking off in the very near future, speculation is rising regarding who will be competing on the show in this series.
Following the success of social media star, Joe Sug, producers are keen to add Mrs Hinch to the star-studded line-up in a bid to keep the show current and maintain modern audiences.
A source told Heat Magazine, “The country is obsessed with Mrs Hinch…she has a great personality and is super-glamourous, too, so [she] would be perfect in all the glitzy costumes”.
Line of Duty officer, Adrian Dunbar, is one of the bookies favourites to join this year, “We make Adrian 4-1 to take to the Strictly dancefloor, where he would be an exceptionally popular contestant.”
Check out the video to find out more!
Image: GettyImages