Zodiac: These are the most intimidating rising signs

Some people give off a terrifying first impression. There’s a good chance their rising sign is on this list.

These are the most intimidating rising signs
© Magnolia (1999) / Ghoulardi Film Company, JoAnne Sellar Productions
These are the most intimidating rising signs

Your rising sign determines the first impression you give people, and it often points to your physical features. Though it doesn’t necessarily mean that what people first think of you is reflective of your actual personality, it certainly helps to know the specific vibe you’re always giving off. Some people, for instance, always have resting bitch faces, causing everyone to think they’re always angry at them. The truth? It’s probably their rising sign!

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Here are the most intimidating rising signs:


Scorpios are mysterious and intense, and they have the uncanny ability to see right through most people. They’re constantly dealing with heavy emotions, says EliteDaily, but they’re also private, so they don’t want people to always be up in their business. For this reason, they mask their feelings, making them seem standoffish and sometimes frightening. But really, when you get to know them, you’ll soon realise that they’re incredibly loyal people that love their friends fiercely.

These are the most intimidating rising signs Gone Girl (2014) / Regency Enterprises, TSG Entertainment


Aries is a sign many people associate with anger, so it makes sense that people with an Aries rising seem perpetually pissed off. The truth is that they’re brimming with a lot of enthusiasm and energy, and when they don’t have any outlet for all that, it sits restlessly inside them—which can be pretty frustrating! Their default frowns often make people think they’re unapproachable, but most of the time, they’d be happy to help you with whatever you need.


Aquarius is one of the most emotionally unavailable signs because they care much more about the collective good. That means they have a better handle than most on their emotions, making them seem cold and intimidating. Since they’re pretty eccentric, it often seems like they’re never excited to see you, says EliteDaily. Truth be told, they may actually be neutral about it, but that doesn’t mean they love you any less.

Source(s) used:

EliteDaily, The 4 Most Intimidating Zodiac Signs Are Actually Total Softies On The Inside

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