Zodiac: These are the New Year resolutions you should make according to your sign

This time, choose the resolution that suits you! And we'll help you do it.

Zodiac: These are the New Year resolutions you should make according to your sign
© Alexandr Kolesnikov / Getty Images
Zodiac: These are the New Year resolutions you should make according to your sign

The year 2023 has just begun, and that means it's time to make new resolutions. Quit smoking, say no, and travel more... Sometimes it's hard to think of a resolution that will really do us good and bring meaning to our lives. So, in order not to make a mistake this year, we explain to you which resolutions to make according to your zodiac sign.

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From Aquarius to Cancer...

Aquarius: Travel solo

This year will be the ideal opportunity for you to learn to be satisfied with your only company. To do this, why not organise a solo trip to the other side of the world - or France - to finally get to know yourself?

Pisces: Redo your entire wardrobe

Huy Nguyen / Unsplash

We're not going to lie, you've thought about changing your style several times. This year, take the plunge: more accessories, more colours, more black, and be daring!

Aries: Start a combat sport

Learning to release your emotions can only be beneficial to living your year, 2023, in the best way. Fighting sports, as well as helping you let off steam, can always be useful for self-defence.

Taurus: Make new friends

Meeting new people gives you a chance to open up to the world. What if it's time for you to discover your new BFF?

Gemini: Start a podcast or youtube channel

Jonathan Farber / Unsplash

How about sharing your wisdom with the world?

Cancer: Heal your past wounds

In order to have a wonderful next few years, it's important for you to use 2023 to really heal your wounds.

Leo to Capricorn...

Leo: Do volunteer work

Focus on doing good around you this year, by taking up charity work, for example. Volunteering will give you more than you think.

Virgo: Learn about optimism and mindfulness

Jared Rice / Unsplash

In order to attract good energy, you have to be a good energy yourself. This is the principle of the magnet. So by seeing the glass as half full, you can fill it even more!

Libra: Get out of your comfort zone

While it might not be an original idea, it could do you a lot of good and give you a chance to open up to new horizons.

Scorpio: Become more creative

Creativity can take shape in any field. So it doesn't matter if you don't like to paint, you can find your own way to create.

Sagittarius: Fall in love with fitness

bruce mars / Unsplash

A good fitness routine will benefit your mental and physical health. So tomorrow morning, let's make an appointment at the gym! You promise?

Capricorn: Be proud of your achievements

Believe in yourself and be sure of who you are. Take a positive look back at all you have achieved in the last few years. Doesn't that feel good?

This article was translated from Oh!MyMag FR.

Sources used:

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