Earth & Space, Explore Divers left baffled after finding a shark wearing a skirt, causing concern for its health
Earth & Space, Explore Self-proclaimed Nostradamus who 'predicted' Covid-19 has now 'foreseen' World Cup winners
Earth & Space, Explore 2-metre-long shark jumps out of water and lands on boat, stunning the fishermen (VIDEO)
Earth & Space, Explore Divers found something unexpected at the bottom of the ocean linked to a national tragedy (VIDEO)
Stories, Explore True-crime series could increase your risk of this scary sleep condition, research shows
Stories, Explore Doctor pulls out a clump of 23 contact lenses from patient’s eye: ‘Never seen anything like it’
Earth & Space, Explore Humans will develop a second eyelid in the future for this reason, according to study
Earth & Space, Explore Mars Retrograde: The Red Planet is moving backwards, but it's not what you think
Earth & Space, Explore 2,300-year-old perfectly preserved bronze statues have been discovered that could rewrite history
Earth & Space, Explore Here’s everything you need to know about tonight's Blood Moon total lunar eclipse, November 7
Explore, space Professor makes bizarre claims that alien hybrids could be walking among us: 'They are superhumans'
Earth & Space, Explore From meteor showers to blood moons: Here’s all you need to know about the night sky events in November
Earth & Space, Explore Impressive 2,700-year-old stone carvings with war scenarios discovered by archaeologists
Stories, Explore New Nostradamus’ predicts major 2025 events involving the royals, Donald Trump, and Keir Starmer