She Went To The Doctors For The First Time At 41 Weeks Pregnant - And Discovered Something Shocking

A young Russian mother made a very disturbing discovery when she went to the hospital, anxious about not having given birth yet.

Ectopic pregnancies are rare but potentially fatal.
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Ectopic pregnancies are rare but potentially fatal.

At 41 weeks, the young woman, who saw no doctor during her pregnancy, learned that her baby was in her abdominal cavity and that she had an ectopic pregnancy. News that required doctors to perform an emergency cesarean, a surgery that would last several hours.

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Fortunately for the family, it's a story that ended well, as the mother and her daughter have recovered well!

Take a look at the video above to see their full extraordinary story for yourself...

Doctors discovered what she was carrying wasn't a baby but something much worse Doctors discovered what she was carrying wasn't a baby but something much worse