Upon Reuniting, These Separated Twins Discovered Something Incredible

Jim Lewis and Jim Springer are identical twins who were separated from the age of four weeks. When they reunited 39 years later they discovered they had a lot in common apart from their looks.

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The first coincidence was that both twins' adoptive parents decided to name them James, or Jim for short. A little weird, but it's not that uncommon a name, right?

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Well, how about this? As children, both Jims had a beloved pet dog named Toy. Then, when they grew up, they both married a woman named Linda, then divorced and each remarried a woman named Betty. They both had sons - one named James Alan, the other James Allan.

Bothtwins also excelled at woodwork and maths whilst at school, though they didn't like spelling. They both drove a light blue Chevrolet and spent their holidays at Pas Grille Beach in Florida. Both of them smoked Salem cigarettes and were exactly 6 feet tall.


Check out the video above for more from the Jim twins!

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