The Benefits Of Using Hydrosols

Are you wondering what hydrosols are? Don't worry, Ohmymag will tell you everything you need to know about this wonderful product and how you can start using it today for multiple treatments.

The Benefits Of Using Hydrosols
The Benefits Of Using Hydrosols

The Benefits Of Using Hydrosols

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1. What it is: They are often referred to as floral waters, hydrolats, or distillate waters. There are many different types such as Lavendar, Rose, Orange Flower, and the list goes on. It's the aromatic water that remains after the steam distillation process. The water contains everything that the plant had but in liquid form. And it delivers a wide variety of therapeutic and cosmetic benefits.

2. Uses: It can be used to create natural fragrances, lotions, creams, or other skin care products depending on the type of plant. Also, hydrosols are safe to use on young children since they only contain a small dosage of essential oil.

-Blueberry hydrosol: This is recommended to sooth tired eyes. It reduces eye fatigue and irriations.

-Chamomile hydrosol: This is recommended to relax and calm the body. It's a great stress reliever and could also keep heal minor skin irritations.

-Carrot seed hydrosol: This is the best choice for aging skin. It is recommended for treating wrinkles, scar tissue, and rejuvenating your skin. It also contains anti-inflammatory agents that would help sooth irritated, itchy, and dry skin.

-Rock rose hydrolate: This helps tighten the pores on your face and it add extra shine and glow. Also, it's a very powerful anti-wrinkle treatment that add elasticity and keeps your skin feeling refreshed.

-Eucalyptus hydrosol: This is recommended to unclog blocked noses and breathing problems. It has a cooling and fresh feeling which is suitable for congestion issues. It's also helps refresh tired and overheated skin.

-Orange blossom hydrosol: This is an excellent for moisturising and healing dry stubborn skin.

-Lavendar hydrosol: This scented water will help reduce redness and skin imperfections. It also helps calm the mind and body. Spray a few drops on your pillow at night and it will help you fall asleep quicker.

-Peppermint hydrosol: This can be used to treat heartburn, bloating, or digestive problems. It helps cleanse the digestive tract and has antibacterial elements.

-Lemon verbena hydrosol: This is recommended for slimming, anti-cellulite, soothing, and clarifying.

3. Cost: Be careful when purchasing this product at the store because they might be mislabelled as hydrosols when really they were just essential oils that were diluted. The pricing ranges depending on where you purchase them. They typically start as low as £3.00 for 100ml.

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