Imagine going to grab your favourite fast-food burger, only to then learn that the food you are eating is not coming from the kitchen, but the trash can instead. Horrific right?
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Unfortunately, this nightmarish scenario was exactly what happened to some Burger King customers. As reported by New York Post, a Burger King restaurant has come under fire, after an employee has been arrested for serious food and sanitation violation in South Carolina.
Sadly, this is not the first time foodies have had to contend with such shocking incidents. Earlier, a Burger King customer was left horrified after finding this 'gross' mysterious item inside their food, while in another case, a McDonald's customer found something unacceptable inside his Sausage McMuffin. Even supermarket shoppers have not been immune from this, as as Aldi shopper found something shocking inside their packet of frozen fish filets.
Here's what happened in the latest Burger King incident.
Burger King employee charged with food tampering
As reported by Fox Carolina, the Union Police Department said in a statement that they arrested the assistant manager of an Upstate Burger King for serving 'dirty fries' to customers.
On July 9 2023, the police were called to the Burger King located at Duncan Bypass due to disturbances. When the authorities arrived, they saw two women arguing with the staff. They were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct.
Burger King assistant manager arrested for serving customers fries from trash can: cops via @nypost
— Nancy Willing (@NancyWilling1) July 21, 2023
In an unexpected twist, on July 11 2023, police received a complaint from Burger King headquarter which accused the same Burger King restaurant of serving customers fries that had been dumped in trash can.
The accusations were directly made against 39-year-old Jaime Christine Major, who works as the assistant manager at the Burger King.
She was then arrested and charged with malicious tampering with human food.
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⋙ McDonald’s customer left stunned after finding a 'glove' inside sausage and egg McMuffin
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The employee could face serious prison-time if convicted
As per the report, food tampering is considered a felony offence. If convicted, the employee could face serious jail time, which could even be up to 20 years in prison.
She was in police custody at the Union County Detention Center as of Tuesday, with her bond being set at $20,000 by a judge.
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Sources used:
New York Post: 'Burger King assistant manager arrested for serving customers fries from trash can: cops'
Fox Carolina: 'POLICE: Burger King assistant manager arrested after serving fries from trash to customers'