Though food shopping at the supermarket is supposed to be a mundane everyday activity, there have been some shoppers for whom it turned into an unexpected and unwelcome adventure.
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There was the Aldi customer who found a mysterious green substance in her dip, while another customer found a shocking surprise crawling inside her broccoli. In another incident, a supermarket shopper found something quite horrific when the banana she purchase bursts to reveal a nasty shock.
In the latest such incident, a TikToker @msrachellyn shared a video of something very nasty that she spotted while shopping at Costco. Here's what happened.
Costco shopper spots this in the salmon
The video by the TikToker shows an image of what at first glance, seems like an innocuous pack of salmon. A close look reveals a worm, alive and wriggling around right on the piece of salmon, clearly visible through the transparent plastic packaging.
Rachel's video is captioned,
Live parasites in the salmon today at #costco
@msrachellyn Live parasites in the salmon today at #costco yummmm 🤨😩
♬ Oh No - Kreepa
Read more:
⋙ Shopper left horrified after scary find inside pie sold by major supermarket
⋙ ASDA shopper left horrified when she learns what’s inside the banana she purchased
Reactions to the TikTok
The TikTok has generated widespread interest. It has already been viewed more than 3 million times, with viewers disgusted by the apparent lack of hygiene and sanitation measures while packaging salmon meant for human consumption.
One viewer writes,
Not eating fish ever again
Many people also informed that it is apparently normal for fish to have worms. One such comment states,
My Dad worked for Consumer & Corporate Affairs. Lots of varieties of fish have microscopic worms you can’t even see, especially cod!
However, people still highlighted how it was not acceptable for a piece of fish in the supermarket to come with worms. One person states,
As an ex fishmonger myself this is absolutely disgusting and is not normal
Even with the shocking contents of the video, some commentators did not leave the opportunity for jokes. One cheeky comment quipped about the sky-rocketing price of salmon saying,
Which is worse the worm or price?
Read more:
⋙ Horrified KFC diner spots rat's tail: Refunded for ‘dead rat in the air vent’
Sources used:
TikTok: @msrachellyn