Everything You Need To Know About Pigs

Pigs like wild boars are mammals of the suidae family. And in fact they are very intelligent animals despite their desire to roll around in the mud.

Everything You Need To Know About Pigs
Everything You Need To Know About Pigs

Everything You Need To Know About Pigs

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1. Origins: Wild boars were domesticated more than 9000 years ago. They gave birth to domesticated boars: pigs. The pig measures from 80 to 180 cm and weighs an average of 150 kg. Pigs like to eat everything: leaves, greens, acorns, fruits, mushrooms, slugs, and so forth.

2. Developed senses: Pigs have a very developed sense of smell, with a single smell, they can recognise an individual. Hearing is also developed and like humans, they can spot the direction of a sound and they hear some ultrasound. However, pigs see badly since they can't recognise the colours. Like many mammals, they are sensitive only to green and blue. Pigs communicate by hearing, smell, and have more than twenty different cries.

3. Living in groups: In the wild, pigs live in groups and there are 5 sows that join the group during the breeding season. Normally, males stay in groups of males. Babies older than one year stay in the group with the mother, however afterwards they leave and form their own groups. The groups are hierarchical and the biggest pig is the one that reigns. The biggest pig weighs a ton.

4. The false reputation of pigs: To protect themselves from fleas and parasites, pigs roll in the mud. They have had the reputation of being dirty but it's actually just their way of getting rid of critters. The pig is a clean animal because it likes to bathe and needs a specific place to wash. However, in farms, pigs can not behave like that because they are too numerous and are confined.

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