The homeless dog who supported soldiers in warzones adopted after being shot

This homeless pooch would visit this army camp every day, bringing smiles to the soldiers’ faces. The camp began to worry when he hadn’t been seen in days.

The homeless dog who supported soldiers in warzones adopted after being shot
© Paws of War / Facebook
The homeless dog who supported soldiers in warzones adopted after being shot

A stray dog, called Duke, would wander around a US army base in Kosovo and would bring joy and comfort to the soldiers overseas. It became part of the family. However, the dog stopped visiting and the camp started to worry about the dog's safety and set out to find it. When they found him they were heartbroken.

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Duke was shot and badly wounded

Duke would roam around the US army base in Kosovo in 2021. He would bring the soldiers comfort as he wagged his tail throughout base. The stray formed a particularly strong bond with Sergeant Kelsey, who wanted to get the dog out of the warzone and to safety.

The camp contacted Paws of War, a US-based charity, who were set to help remove Duke from Kosovo and to the US. however, before the charity could get him out, tragedy struck.


Posted by Paws of War on Friday, February 25, 2022

Duke hadn’t visited the army base for a few days, so some soldiers decided to head out and search for the dog. After days of searching, they found Duke cowering under a table with a bullet wound in his leg and badly bleeding.

The soldiers quickly took him back to base and Paws of War sent an emergency veterinary team to treat Duke. Duke was in recovery for six months with the help of The Alamal Foundation.


Posted by Paws of War on Friday, February 25, 2022

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Duke was rescued

Duke went through surgery after it had been discovered that the bullet had shattered his bone. He then managed to rebuild his muscle strength and could once again stand. Soon after he was running around playing with other dogs and would go on walks.

Duke is now set to travel to the US where he has been adopted by Sergeant Kelsey. Sgt. Kelsey said:

The entire Army unit is so excited that Duke is coming home. This is the moment we've prayed for.
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