These 3 devices should definitely remain plugged in at all times

It's good practice to unplug small electronic devices before going to bed at night. However, there are some devices that should always be left plugged in.

These devices should definitely remain plugged in at all times
© sod tatong
These devices should definitely remain plugged in at all times

It is advised by many to unplug electronic and digital devices before going to bed at night. This is a good practice that saves electrical energy as well as the electrical bill. However, switching off every electronic device is not the best idea. Keeping these three devices connected to power is definitely beneficial.

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Smart TV Maskot

If you have an OLED TV, you should leave it plugged in. When in sleep mode, it uses that time to regenerate the display. This is important so that the picture quality is not impaired. It is also possible that the Smart TV downloads software updates overnight.

WLAN router

WLAN Router deepblue4you

Unplugging the router in the evening is disadvantageous for a number of practical reasons: Smartphones also go through updates at night for which they need WLAN. If someone wants to reach you in an emergency, this could also be problematic if your landline is not connected to the WLAN router.

Inkjet printer

Inkjet-Printer Mumemories

When you unplug your inkjet printer at night, you save a little electricity, but you also lose ink. When you plug the printer back in the next morning and restart it, the machine often performs a print head cleaning cycle, where the nozzles are sprayed with ink to prevent them from drying out.

This article is translated from Gentside DE.

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