11 year old girl beaten in the street for no reason, Internet users demand justice

Alicia, an 11 year old girl, was beaten and disfigured in the middle of the street. Her family and Internet users demand justice.

11 year old girl beaten in the street for no reason, Internet users demand justice
© Sasiistock / Getty Images
11 year old girl beaten in the street for no reason, Internet users demand justice

On Tuesday morning, Alicia's aunt posted a terrible message on Instagram. She explained that her niece was a victim of violence and is currently in hospital. This random attack has shocked Internet users. They, and the family, demand justice for Alicia.

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Alicia, 11 years old, struck in street by 21 year old

Alicia Ndaye's aunt made a post recounting the horror that her young niece lived through. According to the young woman, Alicia—who lives in Montreal, Canada—was returning home for lunch. A young man aged 21 years old was staring at Alicia. The polite young girl smiled at him. The aggressor then allegedly rushed towards her and started to hit her in the face with violent blows.

Alicia’s aunt said:

He went towards her and put her on the ground to start beating her and disfiguring her beautiful angel face for I repeat NO GOOD REASON!!!

The young girl owes her life to the presence of mind of her friend. The friend, nearby the victim and her attacker, ran to notify adults. Several passers-by were then able to control the man and call the police.

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Justice for Alicia

On social networks, Internet users have expressed their indignation. Many of those have wished the young girl a speedy recovery. Since the family revealed the attack on Alicia, the hashtag #JusticeforAlicia has become popular. The reason: some believe that the Montreal police are not doing as much as they can due to the young girl's skin colour.

For the moment, no information on the man who attacked her has been revealed. Another hashtag has been added to Alicia's, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter.

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