Celebrities And Regular People Are Breaking Postpartum Taboos
'Raise your hand if you didn’t know you’d be changing your own diapers too:' with her extraordinary bravery, American model Ashley Graham broke the ice on Instagram, and frankly spoke out about all the little post-pregnancy 'surprises.'
According to the site familydoctor.org, the 'postpartum' period lasts between 6 to 8 weeks, depending on breastfeeding. What are the symptoms? Surprising episodes of bleeding, bloating, sore genitals, haemorrhoids, urinary leaking... The list is long and sometimes unexpected by young mothers.
On Instagram, some mothers, unknown to the general public, also broke these taboos and dared to open up about the topic.
One of these mothers is Illana Weizman, a doctoral student, a feminist, and currently 'mother in the making,' as she explained on her Instagram profile, which has more than 2,000 followers. Personally affected by the ridiculous censorship of an Oscar advertisement, as well as by Ashley Graham's post, this young mother also spoke out, while proudly wearing her diaper:
'Here I am, wearing an adult diaper, soaking up the blood that's been leaking for days and weeks, with my belly still swollen, my uterus still enlarged, the contractions that are gently putting it back into place, my bluish legs, the stitches that pull with every move, the inability to sit up without pain, the burning during urination, the feeling like I've been run over by a steamroller'