This has got to be one of the best ideas ever. Thousands of tourists are enjoying the sweet company of a nice cold beer on a hot sunny day. This fountain is situated in the heart of Slovenia, Zalec and is called Green Gold. The fountains dispense 8 different types of beer and drinkers must pay around £5.23 for a glass (100ml) of beer but they will get 5 refills! Some of the beer offerings include Laško’s Kukec dark beer, Kratochwill honey light beer, and Vizir IPA.
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There are also musical performances taking place around the fountains - making it the perfect place to sit back and relax with a nice cold beer.
According to the mayor, Janko Kos, 'the point is not letting people get drunk here, we want to promote the culture of drinking beer'. The total cost of the project was about £149,000 and was introduced to help promote tourism for the country. Plus, the park is surrounded by hop plantations. Not a bad idea right?
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