Tired Of Being Glued To Your Phone? Google Could Help You Sign Off!

Are you addicted to your smartphone and can’t put it down? Google may have the solution!

Tired Of Being Glued To Your Phone? Google Could Help You Sign Off!
Tired Of Being Glued To Your Phone? Google Could Help You Sign Off!

More and more people are getting addicted to their smartphones, spending hours on their various apps. But more and more studies are showing how dangerous this addiction is to mental health.

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Technology companies are now trying to think about digital well-being, and the situation does seem to be improving. Instead of finding the best way to capture users' available time, companies are now looking to move them away from their screens.

Not just providing information

Facebook, Instagram, Apple, everyone is going out of their way to try to offer a healthier digital lifestyle to their users. The latest to try their luck is Google.

The company has created a new operating system called Android 9 Pie that will provide information on digital activity. A graph will show the time spent on each phone application, providing information quite similar to what Apple shows.

But where Google goes further is that the operating system does not just point the finger at the problem, it also tries to help solve it.

With a more efficient interface and faster response time, Android 9 Pie should allow you to spend less time on your phone. The priority ‘Is to be more efficient and make your digital interactions more relevant and faster. Do what you need to do and then get back to what really matters in your life,’ E.K. Chung, User Experience Manager for Android explained in Android Central Magazine.

How is this time saving achieved? By making the system ‘simpler and more accessible,’ according to Slate Magazine.

The current version of Android 9 Pie is still in its test phase, so too early to know if it will actually help you detach (a little) from your smartphone.

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