Vitaly Brizhaty was one of the guards of one of Vladimir Putin's palaces and knows the system around the president like no one else. Now he has talked to Business Insider and in it he told them a few private things about the Russian president, including what he is called in security circles.
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From 'The Moth' to 'Number One'
In KGB times, his nickname was 'The Moth' - colorless and inconspicuous. He hasn't been that for a long time. In security circles, Putin is now called 'Number One.' A nickname that does justice to a president. But how long he will remain number one is questionable, as there are always rumours about his state of health.
His ex-speechwriter has also already spoken out, describing the president as friendly at first, but that he should not be challenged. This fits with the nickname Putin was given in Dresden, where he was stationed as a KGB agent. There he was known as the 'poison dwarf'.
Read more:Vladimir Putin: Kremlin makes rare statement about his health, says 'his energy can only be envied'
But his former bodyguard spills the beans even more
Brizhaty's task was to make security arrangements for Putin's arrival at the palace or Crimea. In an earlier interview, he already reported on the incredible luxury that reigns in the palace.
Putin's paranoia is also very strong, he said. Putin does not even trust his own security personnel. Thus, he often prepares places for his visit, only to learn later that he is currently somewhere else entirely.
Read more:Vladimir Putin: Ukrainian spy makes wild claims Russian president has been dead for months
This article has been translated from Gentside DE.
Sources used:
Business Insider: Ein Ex-Wachmann Putins erzählt, was er bei seinem Job in einem der Luxuspaläste des russischen Präsidenten erlebte
Stern: Von der "Motte" zu Putin, dem Ewigen – der blutige Weg des Kreml-Chefs in Bildern
FAZ: Putins Gift