If you are struggling with bills and rising prices, help may be available from your local authorities. Your council is likely sitting on hundreds of thousands of pounds that were given to them by the Government to be distributed amongst the neediest ones.
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Available support comes through the Household Support Fund in a form of cash, supermarket or energy vouchers, or some other way depending on the rules set by the local authorities.
If in doubt - reach out to them to see what you are entitled to.
Meanwhile, the majority have now received the first instalment of the £900 cost of living payment from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). If you are still waiting for it, contact DWP directly.
Families on benefits have also been warned against travelling this summer.
And the DWP has issued a reminder that if you suffer from one of these mental health conditions, you could get £691 in extra funds.
You may be up for £390 in supermarket vouchers
Household Support Fund was launched by the Government in a bid to help the ones with the lowest income cope with rising expenses. This pot of cash is now worth £842 million and offers help with bills, food and energy vouchers, and other support, all depending on your local council as it sets the rules and distributes it.
Each council receives a different amount of cash depending on the size of the catchment area, population, and need.
The vouchers or grants the locals may be entitled to vary by location but families applying usually need to be on a low income to receive the help.
The Government announced it was continuing the Household Support Fund https://t.co/kZyrhELS9U
— The Chronicle (@ChronicleLive) May 9, 2023
Bracknell Forest Council has announced that thousands of its residents can get free supermarket vouchers to help pay for food, utility bills and other essentials.
The amount of free cash can be as high as £390, depending on their circumstances.
Read more:
⋙ DWP offering £300 a month ESA payment if you have any of these 23 health conditions
⋙ Thousands claiming benefits warned of travelling this summer: Your payments could be affected
Here is how to apply for free cash from the council
Local authorities set the rules for who will get the money from the Household Support Fund and how much.
For example, Bracknell Forest residents’ eligibility is defined by the number of children in the household. A local family with two children is entitled to two supermarket vouchers worth £195 each.
To be considered for the payment you must be receiving income support, income-based jobseeker's allowance, income-related employment and support allowance, guaranteed element of pension credit, tax credits or Universal Credit.
To be eligible, there should also have younger children in your household or older children in full-time education.
A maximum of one £195 voucher per child can be awarded during the period April 1, 2023, to March 31, 2024.
If you live in Bracknell Forest, contact them to provide them with more info about yourself.
Keep in mind that every council has some sort of support on offer - from cash to vouchers.
Get in touch with your local authorities to find you more.
Read more:
⋙ Thousands can receive £90 free cash for household support within days, check if you're eligible
⋙ Health conditions that will most likely qualify you to get £691 revealed
Sources used:
- The Sun: 'Hard-up families can apply for up to £390 in free supermarket vouchers – how to claim now'