Briefs, panties and boxers have always been a point of contention in society. How often should you change them? How many degrees do you wash them at? A new study has now added a new point of controversy on the Internet: Should underwear be thrown away after a year?
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E. coli bacteria remains despite washing
A study by British intimate hygiene expert Dr. Shirin Lakhani shows that underwear still contains bacteria even after washing. Among them is E. coli bacteria, which can trigger urinary tract infections. In addition, there is another study by a microbiologist that says that washed underpants, in addition to the bacteria, can still contain up to one-tenth of a gram of feces.
To prevent infections, it is best to dispose of the underwear after one year. If you have known problems with bacteria, skin diseases or a weakened immune system, this tip may be advisable.
Read more:Specialists reveal it may be time to throw out your underwear
With thorough cleaning, you can keep your underwear for longer
For those who have no complaints or open wounds, these bacteria are not dangerous in smaller quantities. Washing underwear properly is the key element here: underwear should be washed at 60 degrees, if possible.
Washing with detergents and, if necessary, hygiene rinse removes most bacteria. Thus, the underwear will never be completely germ-free, but microorganisms and bacteria are also necessary for the skin and a good immune system.
Read more:Here's the one thing you should never do when cleaning your duvet in the washing machine
This article has been translated from Gentside DE.
Sources used:
Utopia: Unterwäsche nach einem Jahr wegwerfen? Was du wissen solltest
Stylebook: Laut Studie soll Unterwäsche nach einem Jahr entsorgt werden – muss das sein?