That is why some people have a tiny hole right next to their ear

Some people have a hole in their ear, in the area where the cartilage and face intersect. This is called a preauricular pit, which is a remnant from evolution.

Do you have a hole on top of your ear? This might be the reason why
Do you have a hole on top of your ear? This might be the reason why

Some of us have certainly encountered people who have small dimples on their backs or a small hole right next to one or both of their ears. The latter, however, is not scars or puncture holes from piercings, but is quite natural and has a completely different story.

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In humans and fish

According to evolutionary researcherNeil Shubin, the phenomenon, which also known as preauricular sinus, could be an 'evolutionary remnant of fish gills.' However it is more commonly known to be a minor birth defect which according to Medical News Today, form when babies develop in the uterus. It can also be a hereditary condition, especially if someone has it on both ears.

Preauricular pits are rather rare. In Europe and the United States and less than 1% of the population has the condition. According to The Sun, they are more common in Asia and Africa—where 4 to 10% live with them—but they are still not really widespread.

Ear fistulas and your own health

If you find you have preauricular pits or have always wondered what that little hole near your ear is then no need to panic because it's completely harmless. There are far worse things that almost force our bodies to change.

But there is one exception where you should see the doctor: If your ear pits keep getting infected, it's time to seek medical advice. In some cases, you will have to have an operation. If this is not the case, you can live with it and feel a bit unique.

This article was translated from Gentside DE.

Sources used:

-The Sun: Ever noticed how some people are born with small holes above their ears? This is the reason why

-Medical News Today: 'What is a preauricular pit?'

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