Everything You Need To Know: Your Baby At Three Months

Comparing your three-month-old child with other children, do you feel that they are smaller or bigger than the rest? Ohmymag reassures the worried parent in you.

Everything You Need To Know: Your Baby At Three Months
Everything You Need To Know: Your Baby At Three Months

Your Baby At Three Months

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1. Diet at three months: Up to the age of four months, your child's diet consists exclusively of milk. Breast milk is the best nutrient and helps your child develop their immune system. The breastfed child instinctively knows what they need as quantities and your body adapts to their development.

If you are not breastfeeding, your child from three to four months should ingest five bottles of 250 ml of water with five doses of baby milk powder per day.

2. Weight of a three-month-old baby: If you have a baby boy, his weight at three months should be between 4.5 kg and 6.9 kg. If it's a girl, it should be between 4.3 and 6.3 kg. If your child is not in these standards, do not panic right away. What is important is that your baby has been gaining weight steadily since birth.

They should gain about 1 kg per month before their diet is diversified. If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician who will advise you on the nutrition and growth of your child.

3. Sleeping patterns of a three-month-old baby: A three-month-old baby sleeps about twenty hours a day! So how come they wake you up ten times a night? A three-month-old child does not yet know the difference between day and night. In general, their sleep is punctuated by their primary needs: hunger and the need to be clean.

Baby mainly develops when sleeping. It is therefore important for them (and for you!) that a routine is set up. Try to respect regular schedules as much as possible for meals, naps, and baths. Your child will gradually get into habits. To help you fall asleep, put your baby in a comfortable cradle.

Do not feel obliged to take them out of their crib as soon as they are agitated or as soon as they open their eyes. Toddlers move a lot depending on their sleep phase and have many micro-awakenings. This is part of the development of their brain.

If, however, baby squirms and cries without being able to fall asleep while they are clean and full, they may be in pain. In this case, massage their stomach to get rid of possible colic or consult your pediatrician to eliminate any cause of pain.

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