You try sending your partner to do the shopping, but they can never get the specific products you asked for (period pads, tampons,…) whereas you always buy their favourite shaving cream.
In a home, house chores should be divised 50/50 between the two partners. Your partner acts like they do not live in the place, and struggle to lift a finger to help you out.
Your partner never takes into account the things you have to do during the day, and believes you are at their disposal.
Your partner agrees when you offer to go out (instead of saying ‘no’ directly) and makes you pay for it by sulking the whole time (instead of telling you what's wrong).
Your partner puts their career above everything else, including you. Their work dictates your life, and everything they do comes before your own career and happiness.
When your partner is going through an existential crisis for whatever reason, you're always there to listen. However, when you are in need of support, they will belittle your problems and turn the other way.
Their car keys, their favourite shirt, where the salt is… Your partner expects you to know where everything is, including their own stuff.
Your partner believes you owe them specific sexual acts, just because it is what they like, but your feelings are not taken into consideration. (Remember that no one is allowed to force you into doing something you don't want to, not even your partner)
You make more money than your partner, and they cannot deal with it.
Eating out, going away for the weekend,… You are the only one who plans the dates.
Your partner often uses your jokes as their own, especially during social gatherings.
Your partner always feels threatened by your personal or professional successes, which leads you to hide them to avoid conflict.
When you are having sex, your partner imposes their desires onto you, without even considering your own, or listening to you.
Is your partner sick with the flu or simply hungover? You look after them lovingly, but when it's your turn to be sick, they are nowhere to be found.
Your partner has an opinion on what you should shave, especially in your intimate area, and says so. (Remember that what you choose to shave is your choice entirely)
Your partner does whatever they want when you are having sex, without considering your needs and desires, before, during, or after sex.
Your partner asks you repeatedly to perform a sexual act you don't like, only because they like it, but they wouldn't perform it on you.
Your partner believes that, since you are a woman, you naturally want to get pregnant and have children.
You are the only one to carry the weight of worrying about contraception.
When your child is sick, you are always the one who takes a day off from work and stays home to look after them.