This Is Exactly How Much Of Our Lives We Spend Having Sex

How much time do we spend in our lives making love? We now know the answer, and it's amazing!

This Is Exactly How Much Of Our Lives We Spend Having Sex
This Is Exactly How Much Of Our Lives We Spend Having Sex

On average, we spend a third of our lives sleeping. According to a tool developed by Reebok, we now know exactly how the 25 915 days of our existence are occupied. In these 25 915 days, we make love for ... 117 days, or 0.45% of our life. Not much when you know all the benefits sex can have on our lives.

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So what do we do the rest of the time then? We play sports for 180 days, we look at our electronic objects (tablets, computers, phones) for 10 625 days, we sit for 7 709 days and we spend 1 765 days socializing and going out with friends. Isn’t life wonderful?

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