This One Thing Proves Your Partner Is Truly Committed When It Comes To Love

If you want proof that your significant other is serious and wants to commit, check to see if they are doing what the experts recommend.

This One Thing Proves Your Partner Is Truly Committed When It Comes To Love
This One Thing Proves Your Partner Is Truly Committed When It Comes To Love

Have you just started a new relationship with someone and you’re wondering if you are at the same stage of commitment? This is normal, the first months of a new relationship are often idyllic. We feel one with the person and on the same wavelength. But before throwing yourself headfirst into the relationship you still have to make sure of one thing, is it really serious and exclusive? According to experts, to prove real commitment old habits from single life must be thrown out, especially those when it comes to dating apps. Plus apps like Tinder, Badoo and Bumble all take up space on your phone.

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Experts advise against keeping them in case of conflict with your partner

‘Deleting dating apps shows that the person wants it to work with their partner, which means they are in an exclusive relationship,’ says psychologist Madeleine Mason Roantree who specialises in couples therapy to The Independent. This stops the trend of going from person to person and allows someone to be concentrated on one just one person, ‘the one and only.’ However, don’t delete your apps 3 days into the new relationship, this could be a rushed decision that scares off your partner. First, wait to create an intimate connection with the person and know that you both have the same plan for the future. ‘If you're just starting out with someone, you don't have to delete everything right away, that’s something you can do when you become intimate with the person and begin to talk about the future together,’ says James Preece, a relationship coach. However, some people prefer to keep the apps ‘just in case’ in the early stages of a relationship. However, this will instil doubts and therefore cause arguments. Either you focus on one person, or you're not ready to commit.

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